Published: May 24, 2024

A Successful School Year Concludes – THANK YOU!

The 2023-2024 school year concludes Friday, May 24, 2024 with a half day of school scheduled for students.  A quick look back on our year reminds us that we’ve had great success in areas related to student support, intervention, safety, technology infrastructure upgrades and curriculum and instruction, including the implementation of a new math program in kindergarten through fifth grade.


Our students have been successful in the visual and performing arts, athletics, and through service learning, partnering with dozens of community agencies and organizations as well as in the classroom.


The support and positivity from our parents and families continues to be a significant strength and a great contributor to our continued success as a school district community. As you reflect upon the year, be sure to include those individual moments or small wins as those gains and that growth are those that mean the most.


Our Elementary PT0 has sponsored numerous field trips and special events at school even in the last few days and our HS PTO has planned an outstanding Lock-in event for our seniors – A BIG THANK YOU to our PTOs and all of the parents and families who have supported students throughout the year.


Summer enrichment and remediation opportunities will be communicated via principals; parents seeking summer support for students should call the main office of their child’s school.


Planning and preparation are underway for the 2024-2025 school year with areas of focus including emphasis on Tier I supports for students and intervention at all levels, exploration and implementation of an updated science curriculum, and the induction support of several new faculty members and administrators following several retirements. Other developing initiatives include a school wide positive behavior program at the middle school, piloting online tickets for all school events, streamlining the athletic physicals process, and other student-centered initiatives.  The first day of school for students is August 21, 2024.


But for now, take a break!  Collectively, we’ve had a successful school year and parents and families have placed a large part in that success.  THANK YOU!


Enjoy the summer!