Published: January 26, 2024

Flexible Instructional Time Updates

Online or virtual days (same as FIDs) continue to be an option in the context of recently approved legislation related to the 180 day / 900/990 hours requirements.    

For district purposes, online/virtual/FIDs are recorded as instructional days in our school calendar.  For state reporting of instructional time, additional online/virtual/FIDs that still allow the district to meet the 900/990 hours provision are possible to utilize.  

As of January 26, 2024 – online/virtual days (same as FIDs) are still an option as needed for inclement weather days/other emergencies. 

Traditional “snow days” with make-up days to be scheduled after the last day of school, also remain an option.

Determinations (e.g. online/virtual vs. traditional snow day) will be made on a case by case basis and continue to be communicated via our automated text/call system as always.

Ideally, the weather will cooperate and we will be able to safely have school on campus.

Thank you.